9 AM
Parental Guidance
Leaders: Kit Christopherson - 360.720.4528
Description: PG (Parental Guidance) has a focus on parenting. Our goal is to encourage, support, and strengthen each other in God centered parenting. We alternate between a themed study - not always parenting, because we grow as parents when growing our relationship with God and our spouses- and a book of the Bible. We also have a come-if-you-can gathering as families on the Second Sunday of every month, sharing a meal and fellowship. We are currently reading and discussing the book "With Christ in the School of Prayer". Please join us at anytime, we understand varied scheduling demands with parenting!
Location: FBC (B3)
Leaders: Steve Burt - 310.500.8200
Mark Malmkar - 308.237.9884
Description: The Berean's class studies the Bible one book at a time. The current study is through the book of Daniel. Occasionally we will have special speakers or studies and take on special projects, such as things related to our Global Partners. We are open to all ages, from college to retirement! Prayer starts at 8:45AM.
Location: FBC (B4) - Zoom Option Available
10:30 AM
GPC Missions Sunday School
Leader: Tim Miller - 360.969.0669
Description: This Missions-centered class will focus on getting to know the people we support around the world, getting to hear and meet with them directly, and getting to pray for and with them. If you've seen the world map in the lobby and would like to put a heart and testimony to those faces - we'd love to have you! The first week will be a grand overview - come check us out!
Location: FBC (B3) - Zoom Option Available